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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Criss-Cross Lift and Switch

This two-for-one Pilates move doubles your flat-belly results.
How to do it: Lie on your back with your arms by your sides. Extend both legs straight up to the ceiling, crossing your right leg over your left, toes pointed. Brace your abs in tight, inhale, and lower your legs about 45 degrees. As you exhale, bring your legs back into your body and lift your legs overhead on an angle (as if aiming to where the wall meets the ceiling behind you), lifting your hips and back off the floor, pressing down with your arms for support. Pause for 1 count, and then slowly roll through your spine to lower your hips and bring your legs back to the starting position. That's one rep. Do up to 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
Make it easier: This move is tough, so if you can't lift your hips all the way off the floor, take your time to get stronger before attempting. Start by practicing drawing your legs up and over, and see if you can lift just a few inches off the mat and then immediately lower.
Mind your muscle tip: Your abs should remain constantly pulled in towards your back during the entire exercise. Use the visual of 'zipping' your muscles in from your pelvis up to your belly button as you lift your legs overhead.source by

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